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The American political left has been on the warpath for months, with the new radical leftist movement taking their vitriol to unprecedented levels in the age of Trump.

We’ve seen an unbelievable number of violent tirades and trespasses against our fairly elected President since the dust settling in November, and the latest batch of propaganda wafting our direction is downright disturbing.  Kathy Griffin’s horrifically gruesome publicity stunt was seemingly just the tip of the iceberg, as Trump was assassinated night after night in New York City before James T. Hodgkinson got the leftist memo.  Now, as violent radicals such as Hodgkinson are literally taking aim at American conservatives, it doesn’t take much to imagine what our New Civil War is going to look like.

In all, since the beginning of May merely 7 weeks ago, at least 30 members of the republican party have been assaulted, threatened, attacked, or harmed by radical leftists.

The following incidents have all occurred in the aftermath of the Hodgkinson incident, at a time in which the left has attempted to retrieve their attack dogs to no avail:

“June 17: Missouri Rep. Ann Wagner revealed that she had gotten five death threats in the weeks leading up to the Scalise shooting. Wagner said that protesters had been ‘vandalizing my home, showing up with masks and gravestones, and laying down on my driveway and drawing chalk outlines of dead bodies. Picketing my church at 8 and 10 o’clock Mass.’

“June 22: An Ohio man was arrested for leaving a voicemail threatening the life and family of Rep. Steve Stivers (Ohio).

“‘We’re coming to get every god****one of you and your families. Maybe the next one taken down will be your daughter. Huh? Or your wife. Or even you,’ the man said.

“The same day, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz played a threatening voicemail he had received on ‘Fox & Friends.’

“‘I suggest you prepare for the battle motherf**ker, and the apocalypse,’ the caller yelled. ‘Because we are going to hunt your ass down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a lamppost.’”

This is the current incarnation of the “tolerant” left, ladies and gentlemen.

After the opening salvo of shots were fired by Hodgkinson in this New Civil War, being propagated by only the left, one would expect Americans as a whole to take a step back and reevaluate the faith that we put into our government.  When the President succeeds, we all succeed; a fact that should have limited this call for violence from the get-go.  Now, instead, we find ourselves at a crossroads as to how best to handle the democrats and their deviant army of radicals.


The post New Civil War Liberals Have Attacked 30 GOP Congressmen Since May Began appeared first on The Constitution.

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