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Stand fast in the face of bad news

Brothers and sisters, in Christ Jesus, and all those in search of the truth.

It has been quite some time now since my last letter, I have been mulling over different topics, but I did not feel the Lord leading me to write. Not that I did not have valid subjects to write about, I most certainly did . But for myself, I only like to write when I feel compelled to deliver a message the Lord has put on my heart.

I support our organization, God’s Little Army, aka, “G L A”, through our small contracting business. This takes up most of my time. This pays the bills so my brother Michael Canfield, is free to publish our daily news report. My brother is very adapt at defining the daily news, and discerning the truth from the fog of disinformation. Rarely are we given the straight unvarnished truth. Instead we are given half truths, crafted by so called spin masters, they are nothing more than propagandists.

Thank The Lord God Almighty, we do not stand alone in this mission. there are others. Doug and Joe Hagmann, the father and son team, Alex Jones, of, and Steve Quale, to name but a few.

So now I come to the meat and potatoes of my letter. We are fast approaching, the summer of discontent, and the fall of September, October. We have been warning about this period for some time now.

So what is coming? American cities in a state of unrest, JADE HELM 15, the occupation of America. The trade deal, with a target signing date of September 15. The end of the Shemitah year, culminating in the wake of the Shemitah. The beginning of the Jubilee year, a time of restoration for the state of Israel. The last Blood Moon, a super Blood Moon. The nation of Greece, in default, banks in trouble, and the U.S. dollar in free fall. And if that is not enough , a possible cataclysmic earth event .And I have not covered everything possibly headed our way.

To be sure we see threw a glass dimly. My intent is not to frighten any one, but I will say, the fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

The Lord has told us through his word, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. But his people , covered by the Blood Of Christ Jesus, will stand fast. Remember, we are to occupy until his return, or until his calling us to him.

Your Brother in Christ




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