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Editors Note: Branco puts it right where it belongs... up the American liberal 'a**'Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 10.49.27 AM
 By Stephen Dietrich

I can’t believe the ignorance and/or blindness of the comments on this article (actually, I can because Americans have become government zombies).

The zombies have missed the latest news about all the ways in which the government continues to erode our freedoms, undermine our sovereignty, abuse our trust, invade our homes, invade our privacy, destroy our property, hijack our bank accounts, and generally render itself above the law.

This is all par for the course from a militaristic government that is armed to the teeth, wages war against its own people, imprisons its citizens for profit, marches in lockstep with the corporate elite, and treats human beings as little more than cattle to be branded, bought, sold and butchered.

Free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors have conspired to corrode our core freedoms.

Despite the revelations of the past several years, nothing has changed to push back against the American police state. Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be choked out by a prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

Despite the recent outrage and protests, nothing has changed to restore us to our rightful role as having dominion over our bodies, our lives and our property, especially when it comes to interactions with the government.

Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases—these are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.

On a daily basis, Americans are being forced to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to clear the nearly insurmountable hurdle that increasingly defines life in the United States.
With every court ruling that allows the government to operate above the rule of law, every piece of legislation that limits our freedoms, and every act of government wrongdoing that goes unpunished, we’re slowly being conditioned to a society in which we have little real control over our lives.

Indeed, not only are we developing a new citizenry incapable of thinking for themselves, we’re also instilling in them a complete and utter reliance on the government and its corporate partners to do everything for them—tell them what to eat, what to wear, how to think, what to believe, how long to sleep, who to vote for, whom to associate with, and on and on.
In this way, we have created a welfare state, a nanny state, a police state, a surveillance state, an electronic concentration camp—call it what you will, the meaning is the same: in our quest for less personal responsibility, a greater sense of security, and no burdensome obligations to each other or to future generations, we have created a society in which we have no true freedom.

Government surveillance, police abuse, SWAT team raids, economic instability, asset forfeiture schemes, pork barrel legislation, militarized police, drones, endless wars, private prisons, involuntary detentions, biometrics databases, free speech zones, etc.: these are mile markers on the road to a fascist state where citizens are treated like cattle, to be branded and eventually led to the slaughterhouse.

We’re operating in a new paradigm where the citizenry are presumed guilty and treated as suspects, our movements tracked, our communications monitored, our property seized and searched, our bodily integrity disregarded, and our inalienable rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” rendered insignificant when measured against the government’s priorities.
Every American is now in jeopardy of being targeted and punished for a crime he did not commit thanks to an overabundance of arcane laws. Making matters worse, by allowing government agents to operate above the law, immune from wrongdoing, we have created a situation in which the law is one-sided and top-down, used as a hammer to oppress the populace, while useless in protecting us against government abuse.

America no longer operates under a system of justice characterized by due process, an assumption of innocence, probable cause, and clear prohibitions on government overreach and police abuse. Instead, our courts of justice have been transformed into courts of order, advocating for the government’s interests, rather than championing the rights of the citizenry, as enshrined in the Constitution.

And yet, zombie Americans stand and pledge allegiance to, or sing the national anthem of, the USA. Why are you doing this? Do you really support all the evils America subjects us, its citizens, to?

I suspect the majority of the gung-ho zombie commenters are so-called Christians. Do you not know that the USA is a State form of political/social organization that God told the Israelites not to desire and that anyone who desires it is rejecting Him (see 1 Samuel 8)? Do you not know that Jesus, when offered all the Nation States of the world by Satan, rejected them saying His kingdom is not a Nation State? And yet, these zombie Americans who claim to worship the Creator are in love with the evil Nation State known as America. They demand that everyone stand in worship of Satan’s organization by signing its national anthem. Even worse they pledge allegiance to it. Why are people who claim to be Christians pledging allegiance to Satan’s organization instead of to their Creator?

Colin Kaepernick should be praised for his refusal to show allegiance to Satan’s organization and its growing evils. However, his focus is too narrow, his protest should encompass all of the ways America oppresses both its citizens and foreigners by waging immoral wars against both; killing anyone and anything that stands in its way of total world domination.

If you are, in fact, a true follower of Jesus, you should be rethinking your worship of Satan’s organization. You cannot serve two masters. Your eternal destiny hangs in the balance. God said anyone who wants to live under a Nation State has rejected Him (1 Sam 8). Think about it.

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