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For the first time in a generation, Americans are being bombarded with the terrifying possibility of nuclear war and massive global unrest.

As Donald Trump took the reigns as Commander in Chief, the rest of the planet began a massive realignment of political allegiances and military preparedness.  Our allies were forced to reevaluate the capitulatory nuances of the Obama presidency, while preparing for an adjustment to America’s priority of self.

The not-so-allied, however, found themselves in a quite precarious situation as the United States made a massive shift from an inactive, unwilling, and downright unengaged Obama administration, to the polar opposite in the Trump administration.  Where the former President was likely to turn a blind eye to even the grandest of trespasses against the U.S., Donald Trump is having absolutely none of it.

This dynamic shift in America’s outward attitude has caused a brief escalation of tension around the world, as leaders such as Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin slowly work on adjusting their attitudes.  They are no longer dealing with an ignoramus in the Oval Office, who refused to believe that even ISIS was a threat to his own nation, and who was ready to open the floodgates to barely-vetted Syrian refugees.  Oh no, now they are dealing with an horse of a different color.

Of course, that tension has some cause for concern, specifically in regard to the unhinged and absolutely maniacal Kim Jong Un of North Korea.  For years, the diminutive and cherubic Kim has been beholden only to China, whose leadership has taken a fairly hands-off approach to the oft-overstated threats coming out of Pyongyang.  Now, however, with Kim’s rhetoric reaching new heights of absurdity, and with growing reports that the supreme leader is once again firing up one of his nuclear test sites, the United States and Donald Trump have been forced to involve themselves.

This has led to many around the globe speculating that a nuclear war could be on the horizon, given the perceived possession of a possible atomic device by North Korea.  Not only is the United States military preparing for that possibility with a massive drill today on the east coast, but now the mainstream media is beginning to roll out their “duck and cover” reporters to keep the hype up…including an ominous article from NBC News:

“The invective is seen as overblown by American weapons experts, who believe Pyongyang is likely a few years from having the capability of firing a nuclear-equipped missile that can reach the U.S. mainland.

“Yet some leading emergency response planners view the persistent menace of North Korea as a new opportunity: reason to alert the American public that a limited nuclear attack can be survivable, with a few precautions.

“The threats seem to come almost daily now out of North Korea — ballistic missile firings, preparations to test a nuclear bomb and routine bravado. State-owned media in the rogue nation last week vowed a ‘super mighty preemptive strike,’ one that will reduce the U.S. to ‘ashes.’

“The invective is seen as overblown by American weapons experts, who believe Pyongyang is likely a few years from having the capability of firing a nuclear-equipped missile that can reach the U.S. mainland.

“Yet some leading emergency response planners view the persistent menace of North Korea as a new opportunity: reason to alert the American public that a limited nuclear attack can be survivable, with a few precautions.

“The simplest of the warnings is: ‘Don’t run. Get inside.’ Sheltering in place, beneath as many layers of protection as possible, is the best way to avoid the radiation that would follow a nuclear detonation.

“That conclusion has been the consensus of the U.S. emergency and public health establishments for years, though national, state and local governments generally have been less than aggressive about putting the word out to the public.

“Officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Department of Homeland Security say the nuclear safety directives are available, including online at, but they have not broadcast them more widely. Asked about spreading the word beyond the website, a FEMA spokesperson emailed a terse response: ‘At this time time there are no specific plans to do any messaging on this topic.’”

Given North Korea’s track record for the threat:action ratio, articles such as these from the mainstream media do little service to the American people, while instilling fear in many of us.  The truth of the matter is that North Korea is far more bark than bite, and these liberal sites are merely attempting to drive viewership with their salacious stories.


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