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Former President Barack Obama initiated a foolish firestorm of liberalism late in his second term with his unusual obsession over a tiny fraction of the U.S. population.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the nation, Obama’s strange, compulsory jaunt into the world of transgender politicking was truly nothing more than a stunt aimed at securing yet another minute faction of democratic voters for the imperiled campaign of eventual democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.  Sensing trouble brewing for the general election, the democratic demigod decreed that the nation’s public schools would lose federal funding if they refused to comply with Obama’s latest ruling that allowed students in these institutions to use whichever bathroom or locker room they desired, regardless of their biological anatomy.  The dangerous direction in which Obama was heading set off a tidal wave of trans-narcissism that previously had not existed, with the extremely rare mental disorder making headlines throughout the nation.

Now, as the rest of the world is struggling with how to cope with the sudden, trendy onslaught of transgender rights, several government-funded institutions are caught between a rock and a hard place – including the National Health Service in Scotland.

“Accusing the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland of ‘blanket banning’ breast enlargement operations for transgender people, activists have said that the demographic is being left in a ‘distressing’ limbo.

“NHS psychiatrists currently refer transgender persons who identify as women for the surgery on the same grounds as female-bodied patients with breast problems  — that is, that the situation causes them ‘severe psychological distress’.

“But transgender activists complain that while people “transitioning” from female to male are funded centrally for chest “reconstruction”, it is local health boards that decide whether to grant breast augmentations to patients who are “transitioning” in the opposite direction.

“’It’s really discriminatory at the moment and trans-phobically motivated as far as we can see. It’s the classic thing where it’s not seen as medically necessary but as a lifestyle choice,’ said James Morton, manager of the Scottish Trans Alliance.”

Emotions have been running high in the world of transgender politics in recent months, thanks to Obama’s bizarre stance, but the reality of the situation should prevail.

Whether you believe that being transgender is a choice, a mental disorder, or both, we should all be able to agree that the government should not be involved in the decisions of anyone, regardless of their belief on the subject.  Breast augmentation is not typically covered by insurance or government health care, regardless of the gender orientation of those seeking to fund their cosmetic surgeries.  Simply applying the trendy “transgender” tag to your frustration won’t change that.



The post Transgender Breast Augmentation Denial Puts NHS in Liberal Hot Water appeared first on The Constitution.

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