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There is a plague of political correctness currently enveloping our nation, and it is a scourge with major, fundamental repercussions.

The left has been working extremely hard at nullifying American equality, replacing it with the tattered, socialist concept of equity instead.  This simply means that the left believes that all Americans should achieve the same regardless of effort, just for being born.  Equality, however, which is guaranteed by our founding fathers, allows for every American to make of this life what they will.  This concept is far more rooted in reality than equity, and as such, has become a frequent target of the radical liberals.

Now, as political correctness sweeps across the nation, one of the concept’s more heinous bits of collateral damage comes to us in this struggle between equality and equity.  Whereas we once made our impressions based on eloquence, etiquette, and intelligence, we are now being implored to accept all Americans as automatically possessing the same equity.  A moderate and appropriate amount of political correctness, at least in social settings, was once considered a sign of good stock and a healthy upbringing.

Today, however, it is merely a parlor trick that the left is teaching everyone the secret to.

The way in which they hope to accomplish this equityy is despicable.  The angry, intolerant mobs of so-called “social justice warriors” have been violently shouting down anyone with whom they disagree, and rioting in order to prevent ideologies with which they disagree from being disseminated.  There is no line between free speech and hate speech on the left, therefore, they must attack both under the guise of eliminating thoughts that don’t conform with their constantly evolving political correctness barometer.

They’re simply moving the line in the sand to attack whomever they wish.  Two college radio hosts in Minnesota have found this out the hard way.

“’Deplorable Radio’ is a weekly show on KUMM hosted by students Brandon Albrecht and Tayler Lehmann. Albrecht told The College Fix in an email that the programming is ‘a mix of politics, music, and some random musings about current events locally and around the world.’

“The duo was notified of the cancellation two weeks ago after Albrecht used a controversial word on-air to refer to transgender individuals.

“During a discussion about the university’s lack of ‘Antifa’ violence, Albrecht said the campus was too small for a potential violent activist to hide his identity.

“’You know, you can definitely, you see one tranny that’s trying to punch someone,’ Albrecht told The Fix he said on-air. ‘You know it’s automatically that one guy that you know I’m talking about. I bet you know. I’m not going to dox anybody and name them on air. But you two know if I say the tranny who looks like he’s going to punch someone. Yep.’

“’About fifteen minutes later,’ Albrecht told The Fix, ‘the student station manager came into the studio with a UMMPD officer and told us to leave. She said we had violated FCC law by saying a word that was never allowed on air, “tranny.” So we packed up and left the studio.’”

That student station manager had called campus police to accompany her to the studio to end the program.  When asked if she really had to involve the police, she simply stated “yes”.

The hosts were further harassed and suspended, although the school was forced to admit that the word “tranny” was not banned by the FCC at any time, and the student station manager was completely unethical in her insistence that the show be shut down.

The post Social Justice Whack Jobs Call Cops on College Radio Host for… appeared first on The Constitution.

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