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It’s a real surprise…

The Horn News –

Over the weekend, Fox News star Tomi Lahren took to the West Hollywood streets to interview California residents on how they think President Donald Trump performed in his first year.

The reactions were mixed — until one crazy liberal became unhinged.

One things stands true: California has a big secret. There are many conservatives living there, trapped under the rule of hardcore liberals.

Lahren walked up to residents of California holding a mic and a “Make America Great Again” red hat.

Some of the interviewees were excited to share their thoughts on Trump and receive a free red hat.

And others, well here’s their obnoxious reactions,

“Let’s face it, he’s done an amazing job,” a woman told Lahren, adding that Trump accomplished more in his first 365 days than President Barack Obama did in eight years.

Another questionable man with a bandana over his mouth swore profusely and gave the camera the finger as Lahren questioned him.

As pointed out by Fox News host Sean Hannity, most real Americans like Trump and like his economy — and these people interviewed were actual proof.

The people who said they did not like Trump could only give a reason being that he tweets a lot.

The secret that the left does not want getting out is that conservatives are actually very diverse.

So, what do Californians think of Trump’s first year in office?

Women and men of all races appreciate the work that Trump has put in during his first year and cannot wait for what more is to come.

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