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Alert: Extreme Caution Advised

By Timothy 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, Greetings

This letter I am now putting to print is an Alert!

I would like to begin by saying that anyone announcing a time table to any prophetic event, and that includes myself, is a very dangerous thing. And could be construed as a, thus sayeth The Lord moment.

People who take such warning seriously are often misled, and find themselves compromised, for taking wrong actions, when the events foretold do not take place. History is replete with such events.

So what I am about to say I say with extreme caution.

There is a coming convergence of signs, of such magnitude, that I believe they must be taken seriously.

Many have taught on these subjects in the last few years, some with great Biblical insight. I will list them as God has given me the understanding.

First the Blood Moon Tetrads, or the four Blood Moons. Two have already occurred, with I might add an eclipse of the Sun in the middle of the four Blood Moons the fourth Blood Moon, will be a super moon. Meaning it will occur when the moon is at its closest point to the earth in its orbit. It will also be visible in Israel.

This coincides with Elul 29, this is a month and day in the Jewish calendar year. Which brings me to the next coincidental sign. Elul 29, marks the end of the Shemitah year which we are currently in the middle of. To define God’s law of Shemitah in the fewest words, is this.

There are six years for planting and reaping work. And one year for rest and release of debt. But if one does not observe Gods laws, and in fact is a transgressor of the law. Then comes not the blessings of The Lord God Almighty, but his judgment. Not a good thing for an unrepentant people. I fear the latter in our case.

The next coincidental, of the date Elul 29, is that it marks the beginning of the Jubilee year. This happens once every 49 years, 7 x 7 = 49, and is in fact year 50.This marks a year of recovery or restoration.

This pertains to the state of Israel, the question is what is to be restored. I think I have a good idea but am going to leave that one alone for now.

Humbly assuming I have my facts correct, it is not my intention to instruct on this sensitive and complicated subject. But to simply as possible, show the timing and convergence of these Biblical events.

Over the past few years there are some people, who have written on these subjects with Biblical accuracy. To name but one person, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. It is my opinion that this man is the leading expert on the law of Shemitah, or as the Rabbi refers to as , the Mystery of the Shemitah.

Having stated all these positions, I must tell you, I have searched for the Lords leading threw prayer and reasoning. So with this being said, I feel with almost absolute certainty. That an unprecedented worldwide economic down turn, that will crush the U. S. Petro Dollar, is coming. My belief based on prayer and reason, puts the event between, September and October, 2015. My assumption could be wrong, but because I put my faith in God, I feel it is time to prepare for an historic shaking.

So what are we as believers to make of all this. Are we to react like the deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, unable to move.

Absolutely not! We can prepare ourselves spiritually, and physically. But without a doubt, of the two, spiritual is the first and most important. For what we cannot provide for ourselves, the Lord will take care of for us. This is not wishful thinking, with faith in The Lord God Almighty, all things are possible.

We must also come to grips with the fact that assaults by Satan, and his active followers, both flesh and blood, and spirit beings, are about to be coming in full force.

It will appear as if Gods people are being beat down. But remember this, behind the scenes, Gods end time warriors, with the assistance of Angelic beings, will perform great exploits for our Lord God Almighty`s purpose. What great news this is!

Shortly after the financial shock wave hits, the great apostasy should begin to unfold. But simultaneously there will be many people who will come to know The Lord Jesus as their personal savior. So prepare yourselves to share the good news, with people desperate for the truth.

Pray without ceasing, that you will be ready to serve our Lord and Savior. Be like the good steward, who was found diligently tending to his masters work upon his unexpected return.

And do not think this be an easy task. It will require courage, and single minded determination.

We must all search ourselves, for anything The Lord wants out of our lives. The straighter our walk with The Lord, the more powerfully he will use us. And do not think you are not necessary for his work. You are an intricate part of his plan of salvation. You are loved, called and chosen. Be on the alert!

As always, your brother in Christ



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