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The first of the big deceptions

Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and all those in search of the truth,

Today’s letter comes as a prompting from The Lord. On the advice of my brother, I took a look at a YouTube video. The title of which is “The Illuminati know what is coming September 22-28, 2015”.

As you may or may not be aware, I wrote a letter entitled” What is the last day” .If you have not read this work, I suggest you go to my archives and read this work. I will qualify this request by making this statement. The Lord Jesus came to me in a vision that led me on a 7 year path of discovery, before I wrote this letter.

Writing this letter was like giving birth to a child, long, agonizing, and after giving birth to the work, complete relief. After completion I was ready to move on. I had completed what God Almighty had tasked me to do.

I will sum up the letter thusly. The pre-tribulation rapture is a HOAX! Launched by none other than Satan himself.

Now the illuminated ones, whom I prefer to call the,” Luciferian”, are actively promoting this LIE.

Why you say, well simply put, it is the precursor, to the Great Apostasy. The people who deny our Lord Jesus are a group Of mislead, prosperity Gospel believing Christians. These are people who once were Jesus professing believers.

But how is this deception of rapture timing going to play out? Good question. The worldwide financial meltdown, which looks to hit between mid-September, and mid-October, 2015 .When the chaos ensues, and the banks close, so will their mega churches. When these people return to their mega churches, they will find the doors locked, and the pastors gone with all the offerings, i.e., money. At this point the Great Apostasy begins.

Some good, but misled Pastors may remain to help. We always pray for truth to dawn at any time, before the second coming.

There is a second group of believers who I am far more sympathetic to. These are people who are afraid of going through the tribulation period.

It is imperative we know the truth. All will go through the time of testing and no man or woman will escape. I will end this letter by quoting our Lord Jesus himself.

The Gospel of John, chapter 6, verse 39.” This is the will of him who sent me. That of all that he has given me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.”

Verse 40, “For this is the will of my father, that everyone who beholds the son and believes in him will have eternal life, and I myself will raise him up on the last day.”

Verse 44, “No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.”

Verse 54, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

Here, Jesus is referring to both men and women, in these statements. Also the last day, is the last day of the rein of Satan, over the affairs of men and women on planet Earth. The beginning of the Millennial Reign, come Lord Jesus, Amen!

Your brother in Christ,   Timothy






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