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For some reason, it seems that the democrats and their progressive brethren can’t seem to separate the President from the nation that he leads.

Sure, in some ways this can be an endearing reality.  We all wish for the harmonious, utopian nation where our pride and our President walk hand in hand toward a glorious, shimmering future of prosperity and efficiency.  The reality is, as long as we allow politicians to divide us right down the middle, we can’t have that.

Now, because of this erroneous association between America the nation and the American conservative population, the left is not only lashing out at the right wing of American politics, but at America herself…an ironic twist, given that this vitriolic division comes directly from the democratic playbook itself.

Case in point:  The latest ridiculous claim by democratic socialist and possible 2020 contender Bernie Sanders.

“I think that there is growing resentment, not only among young people, who, in many cases, are going to have a lower standard of living than their parents. I think that there is an understanding there is something fundamentally immoral and wrong about a nation in which we have three people who own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people,” Sanders ranted.

“That does not make sense,” he added.

Sanders is once again complaining that capitalism is somehow the root of what’s “wrong” with America.

Those who follow Sanders closely will understand that Bernie won’t have many nice things to say about this nation until we adopt his socialist ideals.  Unfortunately, there has never been a version of socialism that has proven effective in the history of the world, and the economic ideology and its red-tinted iterations have killed millions.

America is not fundamentally immoral.  Risking the lives of so many human beings in the name of a consistently failed economic experiment is immoral.

The post ‘FUNDAMENTALLY IMMORAL’: How Bernie Sanders REALLY Feels About America appeared first on The Constitution.

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