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For years, the Big Pharmaceutical industry has been attempting to cash in on Americans and their fears of health-related calamity.

It’s a simple yet diabolical business model:  Scare Americans into believing that they are no longer as healthy as they once were, and then sell them expensive drugs, (subsidized by the Obama-mandated insurance that you have), and then profit.  For best results, repeat this process every few years by moving the finish line and reap the financial rewards once again.

Big Pharma has been hurting recently, however, thanks to a renewed interest in treating the problems and not the symptoms.  Americans are simply sick and tired of taking pills that make them sick and tired, and even more pills to combat those feelings.  Exercise, a healthy diet, and a reduction in rates of smoking and alcohol use have all contributed to a fairly healthy country as of late, and that doesn’t bode well for these medical magnates.

Americans were alarmed when the news broke yesterday that approximately half of the nation is now suffering from high blood pressure.  If you were to dig past that inflammatory headline, however, you would realize that the real reason for this dramatic realization has nothing to do with the current health of Americans.  Rather, it was just another trick of the industry in which the standards for “high blood pressure” have changed in order to sell more medicine.

“Heart experts released new guidelines for blood pressure on Monday and that means millions more Americans will now be diagnosed with high blood pressure.

“Anyone with blood pressure higher than 130/80 will be considered to have hypertension, or high blood pressure, the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology said in releasing their new joint guidelines.

“Blood pressure of 120/80 or above is considered elevated; 130/80 to 139/89 is now considered Stage 1 hypertension and anything 140/90 or above will be considered stage 2 hypertension. If blood pressure reaches 180/120 or higher — and either number in the blood pressure reading counts — people will be classified as in hypertensive crisis with need for immediate treatment or hospitalization.”

This “revelation” comes at a time when Merck, a company whose bread and butter are medicines such as those prescribed for hypertension, is suffering heavily on the stock market, leading many to conclude that this skewing of the statistics may very well have been influenced by the industry’s heavy use of lobbying and kickbacks when it comes to medical professionals.

We must always remind ourselves that pharmaceutical companies are in the business of making money.  There is no real incentive for these organizations to cure anything, as that would simply make them obsolete.


The post “Shocking” Blood Pressure Statistics Nothing More Than Big Pharma Ruse appeared first on The Constitution.

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