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Liberal Reaction to 2016 election:  “It feels like the end of the world.”

Any watcher of current events has to be on edge these days.  The November election promises to be nerve-racking, to say the least.  Expect no help from the major news networks; they have given up on being unbiased a long time ago. They are not even self-conscious about it.  Trump was correct when he said that November 5 will bring about the most significant election in our history.

Democrats have become totally irrational.  Their fear and probable rage of a Trump win is over the top.  Harris no longer discusses issues.  She only spreads hate. Why? It’s because they suspect they have engaged in treason, insurrection, and a myriad of other crimes to create a one-party state, and they know justice could be following close behind.  Rank and file Democrats are watching in bewilderment, but they haven’t seen a thoroughly pro-America leader in such a long time that many of them don’t recognize it when they see it.

Many of our reliable sources are predicting disastrous outcomes both before and after November 5, 2024.  There could easily be both foreign and domestic cyber attacks, voting anomalies, violence, and irrational Democrat reactions stoked by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Statements from a senile Biden like “we have to lock Trump up” or an unbalanced Harris saying that Trump is an archetype of Hitler or wants a “military loyal to him personally” sound deranged.  It seems they are setting us up for a refusal to certify a Trump win. Yes, overturn the election.

If chaos does ensue, some respected financial analysts, like Jim Rickards, are predicting a 50% drop in the market and a dollar collapse due to the world believing the United States has become an unstable banana republic.  Investors are already looking to other currencies. And why not? We increase our debt by a trillion dollars every 100 days with yearly interest greater than our defense budget. We punish and jail our political opposition, engage in voter fraud, push censorship, and control the major news media. And in this election, the Democrats gave up on democracy.  All signs point to an edge-of-your-seat election season.

There will be foreign interference in this election.  Why would any of our enemies want a strong leader to assume the U.S. presidency?  I have no doubt that both foreign and domestic operatives will work together.

There are reports that Democrats may formally accuse Donald Trump of insurrection if he wins the election. Charles Payne of Fox News has said he expects Democrats to go against the Constitution to keep Trump out of office.  Our sources tell us of the possibility that America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, already have plans in place to create violence that will continue long after the polls close. This is fear of the highest order.

There are a handful of retired generals warning us of Trump fascism, while hundreds of retired admirals and generals assure us that Donald Trump has their full support.  I suspect those few apprehensive generals fear accusations of treason and/or insurrection if Trump wins. Retired General Milley should be worried.  During multiple covert phone calls, our former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs made a secret promise to China that he would warn them before a US attack (American Military News). The very definition of treason.

Biden/Harris played fast and loose with our immigration laws, which led to the deaths of thousands of migrants and hundreds of thousands of missing children.  They created the emergence of the fastest-growing industry in America, sex trafficking.

With most states’ affinity for voting machines, you can be sure of voting  irregularities.  In three states, voters have already reported that their choices had been switched.  In January 2024,  a computer expert showed, in front of a Georgia District Court judge, how to hack a Dominion voting machine with a Bic pen. The Democrats’ commandeering and illegal use of CIA supercomputers to control domestic election outcomes is going to be, in the very near future, one of the greatest scandals in US history.  They have the technology to change any election.  If you use voting machines, you put our elections within their reach.

Pelosi’s unwillingness to use the National Guard that Trump had offered on January 6, the Capitol Police Department’s scheme of keeping most police officers home, was to assure riot-like activity stoked by the FBI and other operatives.  The Democrats’ ensuing the fencing off the Capitol building (and they say walls don’t work) and their imprisoning without trial of patriots who only walked into the Capitol underlined their nefarious portrayal of a counterfeit insurrection event as real.

What are Democrats fighting so hard to achieve?  They want a globalist, one-party, socialist, completely secular government, much like China.  Of course, they dare not remind you that our government, our Constitution, is based on God granting us freedoms that mankind cannot take away.  They already believe we live under a flawed Constitution and want a rewrite. A new Constitution, at the very least, would not include inalienable rights, or a 1st or 2nd Amendment.  And you can forget about an Electoral College that protects the minority.

They will push misnamed bills like the “For The People Act.”  Sounds nice, but it’s a federal takeover of elections.  It prohibits voter ID laws, expands mail-in voting, and imposes ballot harvesting in every state. They plan to eliminate the filibuster and then proceed to implement their proposed tax hikes, the Green New Deal, and censorship measures.

Christians and people of faith are an anathema to the modern Democrat.  Christians cannot be controlled, at least to the extent they demand.   Hence their antagonism.

If you don’t capitulate, they will destroy you.  They used the FBI to attack political enemies in the middle of the night.  They subjected Donald Trump to a harrowing ordeal and are now insisting that Rudy Giuliani surrender all his valuable assets, his home, and personal property.

Great evil has entered our country.  In 1962, the Supreme Court no longer permitted Bible reading in public schools. We watched as JFK was assassinated, and to this day we are unsure how and why it all happened.  We allowed the government to lie to us about Vietnam and why we were there, losing almost 60,000 American lives and thousands of wounded in the process.  We did the same with a series of Middle-East wars. We allowed leftist agitators to enter our education system, whispering in our children’s ears sedition and letting them continue to this day.  They have succeeded to a great extent in the destruction of a great culture and a great morality. They have desensitized much of our citizenry to the killing of babies in the womb for any reason out of convenience.  If people tolerate such crimes, what else might they be capable of?

I am concerned that we may be entering a period of irreconcilable differences. There is no more compromise. The Left has nearly destroyed our economy and our country. They have allowed an invasion of millions of unvetted, unskilled illegals, many of them criminals that have murdered, robbed, and assaulted their way across America.  For most young families the dream of a private home with a yard is now impossible. They now say to settle for a townhouse. Their intent is to dismantle our country as founded and establish a socialist state.  These leftists need to be taken to the wood shed to pay for their crimes.

Are the millions of illegal immigrants our replacements?  Has the Democrat Party decided to no longer convince us of their way and just push us aside?  The Democrats complained bitterly about Trump’s proposed 8 billion dollars on the border wall but have no problem with spending $157 billion a year on the costs of their illegal immigration.  Illegals have received welfare, food stamps, free food, cell phones, hotel rooms, driver’s licenses, and likely even voter registration;  they also sent the largest numbers of illegals to swing states.  And isn’t that their goal?

I strongly suspect that the Left will lose this coming election. If the Democrats do not concede with honor and dignity, that will be tantamount to declaring war on the American people.

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