I understand your frustration, and it seems that we are considering ‘world’ events with a common interest and from a similar pool of information.
However, what is for you and me quite obvious is, for most people not even remotely within their scope of perception.
Del and his team have done and continue to do an amazing job at stimulating people’s interest and curiosity to inquire further and deeper, in great part thanks to his non-shocking approach; layer after layer. If you have been a parent to children or a teacher to students, you learn patience and increments, you learn their resistance, resentment and acknoledgement, setbacks and leaps forward; we cannot simply dump decades of complex and mind-shattering information on listeners and expect a peaceful recognition and gratitude for blowing up their psychological homeostasis; most of them would shrug it off and turn away, some would bark back, and some would even bite.
The Highwire’s growing audience, its social reach and constructive legal results are the fruit of an intelligent approach.
Through the years I have noted Del’s hinting at areas of awareness beyond the spectrum of average common acceptance and rationality, sometimes to test the waters, sometimes as an impulsive emotional overflow. I have no doubt that he must also experience frustration and impatience, and has been presented with information pertaining to other dimensions of understanding as well, but it is more crucial that he held his horses in order to grow an audience, stimulate their intellectual flexibility, widen their vision and strengthen their trust.
This is the High Wire which Del walks on; below him, an abyss of ancient dark forces and above him the guiding light of a higher power, balancing between showing too much Perception or too little about Deception.
What he does and at the scale he does it, are beyond my means. If you think you can do or have done better, let me know what books you’ve written, what laws you’ve changed or what organization you’ve created, which may have advanced the public’s awareness of large scale conspiracies against humanity.
Give him a break, dude! ;)
Considering the speedy unraveling of world wide events that follow the blueprint which some of us know to be a very dark and long in the making plan for dehumanization, I share with you the deep worry, anger, frustration and impatience of an inner warrior awaiting to to be unleashed.