He refused! Refused I tell you! Meanwhile, the left chimed in as you’d expect, which was to wish Cruz gets COVID and dies.

Mask hysteria has reached peak levels and it needs to stop. Just like with the early lockdowns, there’s a difference between idiocy and effectiveness. Yes, social distancing can help stop the spread. Locking yourself in your bedroom was always ridiculous and unnecessary, though. The distancing required via social distancing is perfectly possible in most public places, especially since we know surface spread is not prevalent. Had state governments been less concerned with fear porn early on, we could have encouraged a workable culture of social distancing instead of telling everyone to stay locked up, which likely exacerbated the spread vs. being outdoors.

We are now seeing the same dynamic with masks. Yes, masks may have some marginal effect in certain situations (and even the science on that is sketchy). But that situation is not sitting alone in a row on an airplane. Nor, is it even really being near people in a terminal. The vast majority of masks being worn by people are largely ineffective in stopping anything. The most they are doing is stopping spread via coughing or sneezing on someone, and even then, the droplets can escape through almost all masks being worn by the general public.

As I said this morning on Twitter, we are continually focusing on the least important things when it comes to stopping the spread of the virus.