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‘Certain election officials’ blamed for ‘pervasive errors’ in results

A lawsuit has been filed against election officials in Arizona by Abe Hamadeh, the Republican nominee for attorney general, and it claims that the state’s “incompetence and mismanagement” caused “pervasive errors” in the 2022 election.

A report from John Solomon, of Just the News, explained the Republican National Committee joined Hamadeh in the 25-page complaint in Maricopa County Superior Court.

The election system says Hamadeh lost to Democrat Kris Mayes by only a few hundred votes, and an automatic recount was begun.

But Hamadeh charges that the count was skewed by “election board misconduct, the tallying of unlawful ballots, and the erroneous counting of votes,” the report explains.

“The voters of Arizona demand answers and deserve transparency about the gross incompetence and mismanagement of the General Election by certain election officials. Pervasive errors by our election officials resulted in the disenfranchisement of countless Arizonans who had their voices silenced. Arizonans deserve to have an election system that is transparent and fair and right now we have neither. Today’s challenge is the only way to provide accountability and restore confidence in our broken election system,” Hamadeh said.

“No one really believes deep down that Arizona rejected four top Republican candidates – three who were leading in almost every poll, including MSM polls – considering the breakdown of voter registration in the state. Republicans have a 4-point voter registration advantage over Democrats in the state as well as within Maricopa County. Republican candidates swept the rest of the races around the state, leading many to believe only those four top races, which featured all Trump-endorsed candidates, were deliberately targeted,” she explained.

“Other than those four key races, Arizona Republicans performed exceedingly well in the election, reminiscent of 2020 when only Trump (and weak Senate candidate Martha McSally) lost. The GOP flipped Arizona’s congressional delegation back to majority Republican, winning two open seats, took back a seat on the Arizona Corporation Commission that was lost in 2018, gained two seats on the Central Arizona Project board, and kept both chambers of the Arizona Legislature, including getting an even more conservative Senate president, Warren Petersen. Numerous new conservative candidates were elected to school boards, and the party appears almost certain to take back superintendent of schools from the incumbent Democrat. Several of the candidates in those races, including a couple of legislative candidates who won, were endorsed by Trump.”

She pointed out, “Voters are wondering how incumbent Republican State Treasurer Kimberly Yee received more votes than any of the other statewide candidates – about 100,000 more than GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake – even though she had low name recognition, was not endorsed by Trump, didn’t get the base excited and conducted a relatively quiet, uneventful first term. It’s not because Yee didn’t have a significant opponent; State Sen. Martin Quezada is one of the most well-known and popular Democrats in the state. On the other hand, Lake brought out thousands to huge rallies and was considered a Trump-like sensation across the state, with huge name recognition due to being a longtime popular news anchor in the Phoenix market.”

She cited one of the “main theories” being that “likely a tech inspector, was paid a large amount of money to incorrectly adjust the settings on printers located in heavily Republican precincts the night before, after the final tests of equipment were performed…”

That’s because many, many more Republicans voted on election day than Democrats. Dozens of locations that day reported machine failures.

Reports have charged ballots were misread, they were mixed with those already counted, stored in “black satchels” and simply not tabulated.

Other lawsuits already are being developed.

She explained, “Election-fraud experts tell me it’s part of a plan by Democrats to take over states one by one. First they started with states like California, Washington and Oregon. They moved on to states like Colorado and Nevada. Arizona happens to be their latest target. One election-fraud expert in California believes there are actually rather close numbers of Republicans and Democrats in that state, but due to years of election fraud there, no one bothers investigating anymore, allowing it to become rampant.”

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