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(Natural News)
It’s about time someone said it like it is to all the Hollywood fakes out there who constantly lecture us peons about “social justice” causes as they jaunt around in their private planes livin’ it up and hobnobbing with pedophile perverts like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. And who better than five-time Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais to do it?

It’s difficult to imagine who would actually waste their time watching a bunch of overpaid actors pat each other on the backs for their certifiable non-accomplishments in perpetuating the Hollywood filth machine. But those who did got the chance to see Gervais skewer all the puppets in the audience for pretending to care about social issues while doing the exact opposite in their actual lives.

Gervais addressed everything from the Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy to the Greta Thunberg hoax to Big Tech human rights abuses – and he received visible looks of shock and horror from the Hollywood “elite.” And even still, these same “elite” proceeded to traipse right on up to the mic later in the show to virtue signal about climate change, abortion and other leftist “virtues.”

“You know nothing about the real world,” Gervais declared about the whole of Hollywood. “Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So, if you win, come up, accept your little award tonight, come up, accept it, thank your agent and your god, and f*** off. No one cares about your views on politics or culture.”

While it was admittedly vulgar and didn’t have to be done in this distasteful way, Gervais’ comedic commentary was accurate in that Hollywood really is comprised of a bunch of robot buffoons who do nothing more than read scripts and smile in front of the camera. And yet, they expect us all to accept and digest their constant preaching about how the world supposedly works.

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To be fair, Gervais himself is an actor who lives in the very same world as the actors and actresses he condemned. But unlike many of his counterparts, he would seem to recognize Hollywood for what it is: a cesspool of ignorance and filth that, thankfully, is coming apart at the seams.

Only in America do actresses thank BABY MURDER for their “successful” careers

What’s interesting about Gervais’ monologue is that it was completely ignored by many of the celebrities who would later come up on stage to accept their awards. A drunk-looking Jennifer Aniston, for instance, read some gobbledygook from the teleprompter about how the Australia fires are supposedly the consequence of climate change. Then there was Michelle Williams, who thanked a past abortion she apparently had for her success in show business.

It was a truly vile display of Satanism, in other words, which is precisely what we’ve all come to expect from the likes of the American entertainment industry. And it really embodied precisely what Gervais stated at the onset of the whole worthless spectacle: that Hollywood celebrities are vapid, robotic, demon-possessed Satan-worshipers who praise sexual abuse, murder, pedophilia and other evil horrors for their “success” while condemning everyday Americans for using plastic straws and driving SUVs.

“My goodness, what kind of world have we created, and how can people like Michelle Williams be so misguided and so callous in her thinking?” asked one National Review commenter, obviously heartbroken about the flippant attitude that Hollywood and its leftist worshipers now have with regard to abortion.

“You’re not a success in the important stuff, Michelle. You failed and you are leading others astray,” this same commenter added in a dose of sobering truth.

For more related news about the ongoing collapse of the Hollywood filth machine, be sure to check out

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