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Organization that smears Christians, conservatives experiencing sudden makeover


The Southern Poverty Law Center, which made its name and its fortune suing KKK organizations into oblivion, after that war transformed itself into what essentially is a smear machine targeting Christians and conservatives.

It raises millions regularly on its promotion of its “hate map” and “hate” listings.

But it has stunned employees and advocates by abruptly announcing the firing of about 60 employees, one-quarter of its staff, and the death sentence for a number of its programs.

The SPLC lists a multitude of Bible-based organizations on it “hate map” and kept the Family Research Council in Washington listed after a would-be terrorist in 2012 attacked the group, intending a mass shooting, and he identified the SPLC’s labeling as the reason for the attack.

It listed Dr. Ben Carson on its “extremist list” for opposing same-sex marriage, later dropping him from that document.

It paid more than $3 million to settle a defamation claim after branding a Muslim reformer as an “anti-Muslim extremist.”

One of its lawyers was arrested at an Antifa riot in Atlanta and is facing terrorism charges.

It remained silent when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel last October and summarily butchered some 1,200 people, often in horrific fashion.

But now a report in The Daily Signal reveals that all is not going smoothly for the organization, with its firing of one-quarter of its staff.

Its union posted the news on social media, announcing, “We are devastated for our union and our colleagues.

To a local publication, the SPLC said, “We announced internally the consolidation of certain programs and activities as well as the elimination of others, resulting in staff reductions.”

Eliminated is its Learning for Justice department, which the Signal report identified as advocating for “teaching kids as young as 2 years old about transgender identity, and it has heartily embraced Critical Race Theory, a lens by which teachers tell kids that whites are oppressors and blacks oppressed in a ‘systemically racist’ America.”

Also gone will be the Southern Immigrant Freedom Initiative which gave legal representation to detained immigrants in several states.

And the Immigrant Justice team.

The Signal reported, “It remains unclear exactly why the SPLC decided to terminate so many staff. As of 2022, the center had an endowment of $731.9 million and accounts in the Cayman Islands. It seems it should be able to hold on to its employees.”

Hannah Gais, an SPLC union member, wrote on social media, “An organization with this much money has no excuse.”

Signal writer Tyler O’Neil explained, “As I wrote in my book, ‘Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,’ the SPLC began by providing free legal services to poor people in the South. In the 1980s, it shifted its focus to suing Ku Klux Klan groups into bankruptcy. By the 1980s, the Klan—evil though it still was—had become a paper tiger, and lawyers complained that suing Klan groups was like ‘shooting fish in a barrel.’ Yet the lawyers said the SPLC kept doing it because it raked in donations. Eventually, the SPLC ran out of grand dragons to conquer, so it repurposed the journal it used to monitor the Klan—appropriately named Klanwatch—and started reporting on ever more mainstream organizations. By the 2010s, it started putting mainstream conservative and Christian organizations on a list of ‘hate groups’ that eventually morphed into including a ‘hate map.’ The list and the map have always included Klan chapters.”

During a 2019 scandal in which co-founder Morris Deese was fired, an ex-employee described the SPLC’s “hate” accusations a “highly profitable scam.”

Social media comments recognized the headwinds facing the fired employees, but also acknowledged the work they had been doing.

“That’s karma,” said one, with another, “Just a quarter?”

Reporter Andy Ngo wrote, “The SPLC amassed hundreds of millions in donations by spreading hoaxes about a violent surge in hate crimes attributed to Trump. This same organization employs a staffer who was charged with domestic terrorism in Georgia over a violent RICO case.”

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