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By Ray DiLorenzo

The Kennedy years are often called Camelot.  However, it was not quite the romance.  The long Cold War had begun; a failed attempt to put Castro out of business at the Bay of Pigs was planned during the Eisenhower administration but was reluctantly carried out by Kennedy.  JFK was hesitant only because he didn’t want the world to know what was already common knowledge: the United States was planning and carrying out a coup in Cuba.  Later, the Cuban Missile Crisis was a contest to see who would blink first.

I will veer off slightly to give food for thought on his assassination. It is somewhat reliable to say that JFK said, “I will shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.”  Did the CIA kill Kennedy?  We can’t answer that question, but we can relay information from none other than Harry S Truman.  Several weeks after the killing, Truman wrote an article in the Washington Post.  Truman was not happy with how the CIA grew into a cloak-and-dagger operation.  That was not his intention.  It was to supply untainted intelligence to the president, not have them develop their own interpretations and then act upon it.

An intriguing chapter during the Kennedy years was JFK vs. the Federal Reserve.  Executive Order 11110 was signed by Kennedy with the intent to deprive the powerful and privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Government at interest.  In other words, create money by debt. Kennedy was well aware that the Federal Reserve Notes were unconstitutional, which called for currency to be issued debt-free and interest-free and backed by silver reserves.

The EO gave back the power to create and issue currency to the Treasury Department without going through a private concern and creating massive debt.  Likely the reason for our persistent inflation. Kennedy had United States Notes (not Federal Reserve Notes or FRN) issued in $2 and $5 denominations.  $10 and $20 notes were being printed but had not been circulated yet.  Every United States Note was backed by silver. Kennedy had hoped, and for good reason, that the United States Notes would be in more demand than the Federal Reserve Notes since the FRNs are backed by nothing while the United States Notes were backed by silver.

After Kennedy was killed, Johnson ordered the notes taken out of circulation or destroyed.  The doomed Fed system remains intact.  We will never repay the debt, and only the principals at the Fed will profit to the tune of $1.2 trillion a year in interest.

The executive order was never repealed, superseded, or amended. It remains valid.

The Federal Reserve was a way to spend, spend, spend without really having any money.  It was a tool of very irresponsible presidents and many congresses. Our national debt attests to that. As past administrations learned quickly, it was also a powerful machine to buy votes and create slush funds to endow political parties.

By today’s standards, Kennedy was a conservative.  He was anti-communist, pro-growth, and pro-free trade.  He cut taxes and was not a big spender except when it came to the military. Kennedy was anti-abortion, calling it repugnant. He was tough on unions and liked oil and gas exploration. His staff and the press called him conservative, and even Ronald Reagan used Kennedy as an example.

I liken Camelot to a period in which the Democrat Party saw its zenith.  The issue of their time was race relations, and they began to make peace with race issues, even going to war with members of their own party.

So, what the heck happened to the party of John F. Kennedy?  Where did the last 75 years take us? Never mind the older Democrats who still think the spirit of JFK is alive and will vote for anyone with a D after his/her name. They live in a dream world and are still waiting for the next Beatles single. Simply put, the Democrat Party became infiltrated with communists, socialists, anarchists, and atheists, many of them having entered the teaching staffs of most colleges and universities. They created the chaotic social order and political turmoil we have today. It was all to break down the American culture.  In today’s political climate, the two parties can’t even agree on the most basic American principles.

The Democrat Party of Kennedy was considered liberal.  Not like the liberalism of today, but the classic liberal that fought for civil rights among the Democrats of the South, Jim Crow, and the KKK.  Being liberal was thought of as having an open mind, looking at ourselves and those around us differently.  They wanted change, but knew to be accepted it had to be gradual. The hippie types painted racists as barely hominid.  It increased the pressure for change, but since then they have driven off a cliff. Since the title of racist had helped produced significant change, Obama renewed it to create a new self-loathing class, the modern Democrat.

These are the Dems that burn down cities, topple statues, rename schools, hate the Constitution, think that the world would be better off without America, and worst of all, mess with our kids.  They are naive, amoral, self-absorbed, and terribly uneducated.

Modern liberalism, or progressivism, gave rise to leaving the door open to let in every form of human depravity and calling it civil rights. Some things should remain non-negotiable. That open mind gradually gave license to homosexual marriage, transgenderism, public nakedness, drag queens, practically destroying women’s sports, legal drug use, trillions in wasted taxpayer money, and what we have seen much of these last few years…censorship, lawfare, political persecution, and stormtrooper tactics…right out of a book by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

To destroy a nation, you must destroy their culture, their religion, and their Constitution.

The Democrats have now overplayed their hand. They stopped listening to Americans years ago, and finally the people have reciprocated. They have no message, no leadership, nothing to hang your hat on. They misread Americans so badly that it’s a wonder whether they have ever listened at all.  These last 75 years saw the Democrat Party jump on the wrong train, thinking it had a destination America wanted.  They’ve become some bastardized version of fascism, everything they accuse Republicans of.  It begs the question of whether they are still under the influence, or stoned, as you might say.

America didn’t need progressivism; it needed to go back to its roots.

It has become apparent that before China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or any other antagonist or would-be enemy could begin to threaten our survival, the Democrat Party remains the greatest threat to our way of life and existence. For they work from within, nibbling and chewing away at what it means to be American.

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