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By Ray DiLorenzo

Yes, Donald Trump won the presidency again.  He won the popular vote and the electoral vote. He has the Senate and the House of Representatives. He enjoys a clear mandate to fix this country…to fix what the Democrat Party broke…our inflated economy, our immigration system, the bloated bureaucracy, our military, our healthcare system.There was a positive side to Biden and the Democrats holding the reins these last four years.  We got to live and see clearly on TV every day what damage they were doing to our country and our way of life. The Democrats spent trillions on nothing we can see. But even after the 2024 election, many of us feel unsettled.  There is a sense of unease, and we believe that Trump and his supporters are facing formidable obstacles Democrats are currently fortifying.Biden and his cabal lied about everything.  They did cheat in the 2020 election!  If you don’t believe that, read Beyond Treason or Betrayal & Treason, both available on Amazon, with yours truly as a co-author. It reveals what Democrats don’t want you to know.The Biden administration was not as centrist as they portrayed themselves to be. They were hardcore leftists, out to destroy our nation and build it back better for them, not you. Biden dedicated 40% of his time to vacations, while globalist operatives carried out their nefarious activities with executive orders prepared by them for Biden’s signature. Biden played the role of the court fool exceptionally well. It came naturally.What they were continuing to build—without a vote, without consensus, and without the revealing of intentions—was a world vastly different from the one we grew up in. They are building a world that will accommodate only 1 or 2 billion people, not the 8 billion people we have now.  The climate change hoax, radical environmentalism, and a series of pandemics with their associated vaccines are to aid in that effort.  The absurd argument that cow farts will kill us leads to the elimination of most cows.  What herds are left will be for the elite.  This is no joke. The food prices, eggs selling for $8 – $10 a dozen, bread for $3 – $5 a loaf.  A box of breakfast cereal for $5 or $6, much of it crap, or a roast that will feed just four people for over $40.00 is designed to squeeze the middle class into submission.The vaccines triggered the COVID-19 pandemic, not the other way around.The European people are in it over their heads. Europe’s leaders want everyone to think that their citizenry is all for it.  They are not!  Immigration has destroyed much of Europe. Nations are losing their identity. The UK is experiencing a horrific child sexual abuse scandal.  Gangs of mostly Pakistani men have groomed, trafficked, and raped young white girls more than a decade ago and have returned to haunt.  Elon Musk has asked Prime Minister Starmer to quit over his past horrendous failure to tackle the problem at the point of being complicit. ReutersWhile we are working hard, trying to keep up with inflation, income taxes, paying additional taxes and fees with money that has already been taxed, and watching our homes burn to the ground or swept away in a hurricane. Our government and other governments around the world are building a globalist paradigm most of us know little about. They are showing little interest in rebuilding. If you haven’t noticed, basic government services, such as police, fire protection, defense, and education, have purposely been neglected.Think of something like the movie Hunger Games or Divergent.  In Hunger Games, the government, which has evolved into the elite, divides the nation’s commoners into districts, each of which is in charge of producing specific necessities.  One district may harvest produce, another may be miners, and still another may produce meat, but not for the workers’ benefit.  They only get meat as an occasional treat. The citizens within their districts are supplied with all their basic needs and food—maybe bugs, for all I know.  They own nothing and are not allowed to leave their district. The concept is very much like the WEF design for 15-minute cities.  These are cities where everything needed is within a 15-minute walk.  It’s not just for convenience; it’s by design, the restriction of going past your 15-minute walk.The Line City is a newer design (see photo). Imagine a rectangular box with walls 500 meters (1650 ft)  high by 200 meters (650 ft) wide.  It will span a distance of 170 km (105 miles).  They will house 9 million people in 21 sq. miles.  There will be no cars or roads. It will have an internal transportation system. Looking at it, one would think they don’t want people to walk on or be accessible anywhere near nature although they claim unparalleled access to nature. They call it the future of urban living. I would guess there will be little if any rural living.Remember, when you’re walled in, they call the shots!  Ask any ex-con. The people designing these cities worship the creation, not the creator.The pandemic and vaccines were an exercise in control.  The killing of tens of millions of people, to them, was a side benefit.In Hunger Games, the people living in the Capital are the elites. They enjoy everything the districts produce for them. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has acknowledged this, the common and the elites.In Divergent, we see a government dealing with those whose only crime is that they will not comply with an elitist, tyrannical government.If all this sounds outrageous, it’s because it is.  But they will sell it as a way to save the planet, eliminate war, poverty, and crime.  Everyone will have all they need as defined by someone else. This is not a matter of want, mind you.These last four years we saw the opening wide of our borders.  Like in Europe, it was not a humanitarian gesture.  It was to replace our people with those that would be more, let’s say, pliable, adaptable.  The immigrant chaos was, in the truest sense, an invasion, with tens of thousands of casualties, both foreign and domestic. They are to be our replacements.  The government did not demand any skills, engineers, doctors, or the like. They wanted the opposite—the unskilled, the poor. Hardened criminals entering was just the cost of doing business. They wanted those immigrants who have no sense of freedom, democracy, or upward lifestyle.  A small apartment would significantly improve their standard of living.  And a small apartment is what they will get.The elite will no longer have to deal with demanding or upwardly mobile Americans or even labor unions.The WEF and the globalist community have a plan, and they don’t care who our president is.  In a recent poll released by RMG Research just days ago, it was revealed that 42% of federal employees who live in the Washington D.C. area plan to politically oppose the incoming Trump administration. About 64% say they would ignore any lawful order from Trump if they disagreed with it. And only 17% said they would abide by Trump’s decisions.California and other Democrat states are mobilizing an army of lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, and others to confront Trump at every opportunity.  They will spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, not to build reservoirs or increase fire or police protection, but to derail President Trump.It will be fascinating to watch who gets the permits to rebuild their homes, especially along the beach in Malibu.  While government officials may not have caused the fires, I believe California will seize the opportunity. They will either reclaim the oceanfront property or allow first-class hotels to take the place of what they do not want…private single-family homes.The fight continues.  It will be a fight against globalists, Democrat operatives, bureaucrats, and get-along, go-along Republican RINOs who envision a different America.  MAGA has proved they can stand up to it.

The Line City

A prison dressed up like a fancy condo

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