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Things in North Korea are a bit baffling to those without intimate knowledge of the rogue nation’s inner workings, but a new development in Pyongyang is truly bizarre.

In the wake of the nation’s sixth, and most powerful nuclear test, the international community has had a keen eye on developments within North Korea.  This latest weapon was purported to be a hydrogen bomb with a yield up to 120 kilotons.  Experts are split as to whether or not that first claim is true, but they all agree that the device detonated deep underground was certainly far more powerful than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.

As the world begins to sit up and take notice of North Korea’s emerging threats, one observer has noticed an eerily strange absence of human life in the nation’s capital.

“The North Korean capital looks positively post-apocalyptic in aerial footage that emerged this week.

“Aram Pan, 41, a Singaporean pilot, took the video for a project called DPRK360, meant to show the hermit kingdom ‘from a different perspective.’

“Despite being the largest city in North Korea, with a population of about 2.58 million, Pyongyang appears to be deserted.

“In April, Russian news outlet Pravda Report claimed Kim had ordered the evacuation of Pyongyang, the UK’s Express reported.”

The evacuation in April was said to have relocated around 600,000 residents of the city, but the shocking footage makes it appear that almost no one is home in Pyongyang.

Pyongyang is not only the capital of North Korea, but the epicenter of the hermit kingdom’s outward facing propaganda.  Visitors to the tiny nation are almost exclusively toured around Pyongyang, making stops to visit very obviously trained “ordinary” North Koreans in an attempt to dispel some of the more rampant rumors about the nation’s poverty and human rights abuses.

In reality, however, the people of North Korea have been living under the thumb of Kim Jong Un and his family for decades.  As the regime grows more outrageous in their behavior, the nation continues to suffer under enhanced international sanctions the likes of which cause the death of millions of North Koreans in the 1990’s due to famine.

The post Where Has The Population of Pyongyang Disappeared To? appeared first on The Constitution.

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