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President: ‘How in the hell dare he raise that?’

Joe Biden delivers a keynote address at the National Association of Counties Annual Legislative Conference, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)  Joe Biden delivers a keynote address at the National Association of Counties Annual Legislative Conference, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

To Americans who have seen, in the past few years, Democrat power plays to create false “Russia collusion” narratives against President Trump, the made-up “insurrection” stories about the January 6, 2021, riot in Washington, and more, a new report charging that the White House tried to censor special counsel Robert Hur’s report about Joe Biden’s classified documents crimes won’t surprise.

After all, Democrat interests were key to suppressing other bad news about the Bidens, in advance of the 2020 election, when the FBI told publications to shut down coverage of family scandals revealed in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

And legacy media outlets suppressed many reports of actual election tampering and fraud, suggesting that there was no substance to President Trumps claims about those issues.

It actually were parts of Biden’s administration who apparently schemed with social media and legacy media outlets to suppress comments that they disliked, an issue now before the Supreme Court.

Hur’s report found that there was evidence that Biden committed federal crimes with his handling of classified documents, including when he stored them in his garage in a broken-apart box next to a collectible car.

The documents were from his years as senator and vice president.

But Hur recommended against actual charges since he concluded Biden’s mental capacity was diminished, and he, frankly, had lost the ability to remember many things, including his time as vice president.

That would mean that a jury hearing evidence against an old man with failing memory would sympathize with him, and be unlikely to convict.

Now a report in the Daily Caller said it was “behind the scenes” that the White House reportedly “pressured” Hur to “take passages out of his report that discuss President Joe Biden’s memory and physical state.”

The report noted that according to Politico the White House hoped efforts to reach Hur would force edits.

A source of that report, however, revealed, “Hur did not indicate whether he would make any changes.”

After the report was released on Thursday, Biden’s lawyers were enraged, and claimed references to Biden’s failing mental abilities, which have been evident to any observer for several years already, were not accurate.

Biden’s lawyers, in fact, claimed, “[Hur] uses highly prejudicial language to describe a commonplace occurrence among witnesses: a lack of recall of years-old events. Such comments have no place in a Department of Justice report, particularly one that in the first paragraph announces that no criminal charges are ‘warranted’ and that ‘the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt.'”

Biden, in just the past few days, has told reporters of times he had discussions with leaders of both France and Germany. The problem is that those leaders were dead at the time Biden claimed to be having a conversation with them. Further, just this week he was unable to recall the name, “Hamas,” the Gaza terrorist organization that butchered some 1,200 Israelis in October.

Biden later held a news conference to blame his staff members for moving around classified documentation that he had.

“Things that appeared in my garage, things that came out of my home, things that were moved, were moved not by me, but my staff, but my staff,” Biden said.

That, however, does not explain the fact that he had the documents to which he was not entitled.

Biden slammed Hur, “In addition, I know there’s some attention paid to some language of the report about my recollection of events. There is even reference that I don’t remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question I thought to myself, ‘It wasn’t any of their damn business.’ Let me tell you something. Some of you have commented. I wear, since the day he died every single day, the rosary he got from our Lady of … ”

Then Biden went silent.

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