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Editors Note: The bigger picture, Michael Savage of Savage Nation: Mark Zuckerberg of FACE BOOK the greediest man in the world partnered with FOX NEWS as in Zuckerberg put up the money to get Donald Trump dumped. Kelly was the hired talking head and executioner of the dirty deed. Ops it back fired... to bad to sad FLARE ON Kelly. Megyn Kelly has turned to the dark side. Flaring nostrils and all.  
 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. JOIN US Stay Informed: GODS LITTLE ARMY aka GLA... Image: Michael Savage: Fox Working for Hillary, Megyn 'Picture of Dorian Gray'

By Sandy Fitzgerald

Talk Show host Michael Savage lambasted Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly Friday for her question to Donald Trump about his documented quotes about women, saying that it’s now clear that she’s “gone over to the dark side,” and saying her new stance is even changing her looks.

“It’s clear that Martha Washington (one of Savage’s nick names for her), Roger Ailes, and Rupert Murdoch are working for Hillary Clinton,” the pundit said on The Savage Report  on Friday. “It’s as clear as a bell that ‘Mayhem Kelly’ has gone over to the dark side, and frankly her looks are changing.”

But it wasn’t just Kelly he railed against, but Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook was the main sponsor of the debate, hosted by Fox News, and Savage said that was because Zuckerberg wants to open the nation’s borders so he can get cheap labor for his website.

Savage complained that Kelly’s looks and life are becoming like the classic story, “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” in which the young man in the story had his picture painted as a handsome man, but that the portrait started changing he treats a young woman cruelly.

“Megyn Kelly’s looks may have not changed to herself in her Cinderella mirror backstage,” said Savage. “The cameras that we all watch is the portrait that I’m referring to. The portrait of Dorian Kelly is quite revealing. You watch her face change. You’ll see it change over the coming months now that she is drunk on her own power. You’ll see what I see, because I see things before anyone else.”

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