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Monday, 21 Jul 2014 07:50 AM

By Denis Kleinfeld -Moneynews

At the moment, the total economies of all the Arab states combined are greater than that of Israel. However after taking oil out of the equation, Israel’s economy is larger than all the Arab countries are.

Soon, with the Tamar and Leviathan gas fields coming fully on line, Israel — yes, tiny Israel — will be the most-productive economy in the Middle East.

That is what the Muslims want to destroy.

The Arabs have had billions of dollars pouring in for years and what have they done with it? Create flourishing modern economies?

No, the Arab states have used their wealth for two things: to maintain their monarchies and despotic leaders in grandeur and to promote an Islamic war virtually everywhere in the world.

The so-called Palestinian problem is quite remarkable. They are seemingly the only people in the world who have professional and perpetual refugee status.

In 1948, virtually all the Jewish people were kicked out of countries they had lived in for centuries, if not millennia. They became refugees and were taken in by Israel.

Israel also absorbed a large Arab population that has had the benefit of being part of a growing democratic state with a capitalist economy. More than a million Arabs are Israeli citizens.

As people who have had refugee status longer than any refugees in the history of the world, the Palestinians have received billions of dollars and euros in aid during the last 66 years. What have they done with it?

They built underground complexes and rocket-launching sites in their population centers so they can attack Israel with the intention of killing Jews.

But this is just a snapshot.

All over the Arab world, and most of the rest of the Muslim countries, they have poured their economic opportunities into overthrowing the non-Muslim world.

Those 1,600 rockets launched against Israel stand as a stark warning to the United States that it too is a target for death.

Most Arabs who are refugees in the United States are not Muslim but instead are Christian. In fact, mostly Catholic. The few who are still left in Arab countries are being threatened and murdered every day.

Europe has had a policy of admitting Muslims. Today, they hold positions of political power even as they drain the economies that have generously supported them. The welfare states of Europe are in economic collapse. To maintain themselves they are selling off their heritage to the highest foreign bidders.

The United States doesn’t have to do that. It is the world’s largest and deepest economy in terms of energy, food, manufacturing and service. Each year it takes in more immigrants than do all the other countries of the world combined. It is this expansion of the economic base that is the secret of America’s success.

The politics of the United States, both previously and currently, has refused to recognize the danger Islam presents to our free and democratic country. Each major political party is at fault. We are at war with terrorism but refuse to recognize that the war is against the proponents of terror.

The current administration is merely taking advantage of this political blindness.

Oriana Fallaci, who had to flee Italy to avoid being arrested for her writings, warned,
"Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense."

In addition, she wrote, "The Muslims refuse our culture and try to impose their culture on us. I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward my culture, it is toward my values, my principles, my civilization."

The 1,600 rockets fired by Hamas are not just directed toward Israel. They are but the manifestation of the intention by those Muslim powers that control those missiles to ultimately destroy our principles, our values and our civilization.

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