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Nicolai Sennels

May 30, 2014 at 9:09am

"Tiny Minority of Extremists", immigration, Sweden

Muslims in SwedenSweden takes in hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants and refugees these days, which is why the country has one of the fastest growing populations in the Western world. The police are depending on Muslim sharia patrols to control riots, and the Swedish government has cut down the army to a ridiculous size that makes it impossible for native Swedes do defend themselves in case of civil war. From Yahoo:

“We are talking about a couple of hundred people that are supporting or are willing and capable to carry out terrorist attacks in Sweden or planning a terrorist attack in Sweden against targets in neighboring countries or other places in the world,” Thornberg told Reuters. … “It’s a huge threat,” Thornberg said. “We have seen through the years before that a lot of people were traveling to Afghanistan, to Yemen, Somalia, other countries, learning how to do jihad.”

“But it was over a period over 10 years. Now in just two years we have seen more people than totally in the last 10 years,” he added. “We haven’t seen anything like this before.” …

The SAPO chief said “two or three” plots had been foiled in the past few years.

The SAPO head said about 80 Swedes had traveled from Sweden to Syria to fight in al Qaeda-inspired or linked groups, of which around 20 had been killed. Some Swedes have returned from the Syrian war for treatment for wounds, and even for holidays. …

Sweden’s worst riots for years, last May, underscored the Nordic state’s struggle to integrate a record number of immigrants and challenged its open door traditions. An anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, won nearly 10 percent of votes in the EU parliamentary election, their best performance.

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