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Editors Note: What if abortion was ILLEGAL? Further more if it was illegal, a fully developed question would be: who is the primary agent responsible for the illegal act(s)?  The doctor doing it and/or the organization that recruits woman and young girls into the abortion cycle? Or the pregnant woman/girl? It is not a question should woman be punished, rather whom are the responsible parties and should there be consequences. The answer is clearly YES! 

Donald Trump was answering a legal question posed by another slick forked tongue spin master that laid waste to the truth as Donald Trump was trying to give an honest answer. In my mind... And Trump Jr is addressing this point in his tweets.  Image: Donald Trump Jr. Defends Dad's Abortion CommentsKNOWLEDGE IS POWER. JOIN US Stay Informed: 

By Jason Devaney 

Donald Trump’s son followed his father comments on abortion Wednesday by asking whether or not there should be “consequences” if laws are broken.

The elder Trump, the leading Republican candidate for president, said if the United States were to ban abortion, women who have them should face “some form of punishment.”

He later backtracked from the remarks, saying the issue of abortion should be left to the states to decide.

Donald Trump Jr. commented on the issue in a series of Twitter posts:

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